Lemon Curd

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1 cup caster sugar

6 egg yolks

½ cup lemon juice – strained

Zest of 2 lemons

130g unsalted butter – cut into cubes



Separate the yolks from the whites and place the yolks in a bowl. You can freeze the egg whites for a future recipe, or you can make the meringues in the meringue and lemon cream recipe – https://bluemountainscookingschool.com.au/recipes/meringues-with-lemon-cream/

Zest the lemons and add the zest to the sugar in a bowl. Press the zest into the sugar and give it all a good stir. This helps the oils from the lemon skin release.

Juice the lemons.

Add the sugar and zest mixture to the egg yolks and give it a good mix with a whisk until lighter in colour.

Slowly add the lemon juice (making sure you have removed any pips!) until combined.

In a saucepan over a low heat, heat the yolk mixture and stir constantly until the mixture starts to thicken.

Keep stirring until the mixture bubbles and it coats the back of a spoon – this should take about 5 minutes. Keep the mixture on low but it should now be quite thick. Remove the saucepan from the heat and add the cold, cubed butter and mix until melted.

Strain the mixture (this removes the zest and any small pieces of cooked egg) into a heat proof jug and pour the liquid into hot, sterilized glass jars* or a heat proof bowl.

Cover with plastic wrap or a jar lid and put into the fridge. The mixture will continue to thicken as it cools.

If putting in a bowl, to stop a skin forming, place the plastic wrap directly onto the curd.

Serve on hot toast, bread with butter, sandwiched in a sponge cake or eat it with a spoon!


* There are so many pretty/cute jars you can buy or find so try and use these. The contents are a work of art so why not make the jars the same?  🙂
