Where are you located?

The school is located in Wentworth Falls, in the beautiful Blue Mountains, NSW. Wentworth Falls is approximately100kms west of Sydney and about a 90 minute drive or a 2 hour train journey from central Sydney. We are10kms from Katoomba and 7kms from Leura.

How long are the classes?

Generally face to face classes are 3 hours in length and virtual classes are 1.5 hours. Depending on the subject matter, some classes are slightly shorter or longer.

Can I bring my own wine to the class?

In terms of our face-to-face classes, yes. There is nothing nicer than a glass of bubble at a Hen’s Class or a glass of something over lunch as you drink to your success in the kitchen. And if attending a Zoom class, well, what you do in your home is your business!

We are not a licensed premises and cannot therefore offer wine as part of our face-to-face classes.

Are the classes hands on?

Yes, the classes are generally hands on with constant guidance throughout the class. When there is a specific technique or skill that will be used in the class, I demonstrate this to the class then get you to replicate. I feel this is the best way for students to learn.

How many people are in each class?

For the face-to-face Public Classes, I can take up to 10 people. For our Private/Corporate Classes, we can take up to 20. There is a minimum number required for each class. For the Zoom classes, I generally have up to 15 people enroll – that way I can still see you all on the screen.

Do I need to bring anything?

Really, just yourself and your sense of fun and adventure. Closed toe shoes and long hair tied back is always best in a kitchen/cooking environment.

Do you provide recipes?

Yes, each student receives a recipe pack to take home if attending a face-to-face class and recipes are emailed prior if attending a Zoom class.

Can I purchase a gift voucher?

Yes. You can purchase a Gift Voucher to any of our classes. You can choose a voucher for a specific class or purchase a general voucher that the recipient can then use towards one of our public scheduled classes.

What if I have a specific dietary requirement?

When you enroll, you have an opportunity to inform me of any dietary requirements/intolerances. I will do my very best to accommodate these requests.

Do you have corporate team-building classes?

Yes, (when we aren’t in COVID lockdown), I often run Team Building classes. They are a great way for colleagues to get together and do something a bit different and fun along with learning the skills and art of time management and teamwork. Contact us for more details or refer to our Team Building page.

Do you run private classes for adults?

Yes, I run classes for private groups. This might be a family celebration, a Hens or Same Sex Couple cooking class or simply a class for a group of friends. Contact us for more details or refer to our Private Classes page.